Sundays at CTU Lecture with Fr. John Kartje

Ecotheology as Echo-theology: Listening for the Word that Reverberates through Creation

From grains to galaxies, “through him all things were made.” Join us for an exploration and celebration of the real presence of Christ’s Paschal Mystery that sounds and resounds throughout humanity and the entire cosmos.

Father John Kartje was appointed rector/president of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary in 2015. A native of East Chicago, Indiana, Father Kartje was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2002. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1987 from the University of Chicago. He also holds two earned doctorates: a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Chicago (1995), and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Catholic University of America’s Department of Biblical Studies (2010).

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Fr. John Kartje

Pertenencia a una Iglesia que llama a la Sinodalidad y Co-Creación

El Papa Francisco está llamando a toda la iglesia a la modalidad sinodal, en este artículo el hermano religioso Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC, nos ofrece dos esquemas de reflexión que ayudaran a los grupos de hermanas y hermanos religiosos en liderazgo o ministerio de formación, a involucrarse en el proceso sinodal de escucha atenta y generativa.


Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC, PhD
Image from InFormation 2018 Number 4, Winter

InFormation 2018 No. 4 : Book Review, The Trusted Advisor, by Kathryn Clauss, IHM

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.4 Winter

"The information was clearly focused on trust building and relationship sustaining work in the world of business and consulting professions. As I listened, it quickly became clear that this text was timely and relevant for those in Church-based ministries across the board, and in particular, for those in vocation and formation ministries. Trustworthiness is essential to the manner in which we co-create and foster a culture of trust, offer counsel and process discernment with those we serve, and nurture relationships that facilitate openness, integrity, and growth."

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Clauss, Kathryn, IHM
Image from InFormation 2019 Number 3, Fall

InFormation 2019 No. 3 : The Sacred Work of Gifting Forward : Program Reflections, by Connie Schoen, OP

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.3 Fall

"To surrender oneself to the total transformation of mind, heart and soul to which Paul refers is to choose a spiritual journey fraught with growing pains culminating in the incarnation itself. This is not a journey one makes alone. The gifted women and men who accompany one another through the ForMission experience and process remind me of the necessity and importance of bridgebuilders and tradition bearers among us."

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Schoen, Connie, OP
Formation Resources: 
Cover of InFormation 2020 Number 3, Fall

InFormation 2020 No. 3 : New Wine, Fresh Skins!, by Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC, PhD

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.3 Fall

"I have come to understand the role of a formator as offering a context in which an individual and a group might grow to the fullness of their calling as disciples of Jesus Christ in the spirit and charism of their founders. The essential agents in the growth are the individual and the Holy Spirit. The context has a social dimension which facilitates progress in personal belonging and identification within a local community, a congregation, and the People of God. The formator is an essential companion on the journey, particularly attentive to growth and the movement of the Spirit within the individual."

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Moffett, Patrick Sean, CFC, PhD
Formation Resources: