During her time as executive director of the Religious Formation Conference (RFC), Sister Peggy Nichols, CSJ, attended several annual meetings of the National Association of Religious Brothers (now the Religious Brothers Conference). At these meetings, recognition/appreciation awards are given to Brothers. The awards are given to Brother as Proclaimer, Brother as Enabler, Brother as Healer. Peggy was impressed with the spirit the award generated.
In 1988, Sister Peggy presented to the RFC National Board the idea that RFC might want to consider presenting such an award at the National Congress. The purpose of this award would be to recognize/honor an individual or an organization who made a contribution to formation work for their commitment and investment of energy and insight. The work could be in the area of written work, program founding and directing, or direct personal involvement in the work of formation.
Sister Peggy's suggestion was to honor Sister Mary Emil Penet, IHM, who had founded the Sister Formation Conference which was the precursor of the RFC. Sister Mary Emil, at that time elderly and frail, certainly had made a significant contribution to the work of formation. The National Board highly endorsed the idea. A plaque was struck, and the presentation of the first award was made by Sister Peggy to Sister Mary Emil at the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary motherhouse in Monroe, Michigan, because the 1989 Congress was cancelled due to the earthquake in San Francisco, California.
Since that time, the RFC Board has designated a committee to develop criteria and to facilitate the nomination process. Following is a list of past recipients of the Mary Emil Penet, IHM, Award.
Recipients of the Mary Emil Penet, IHM, Award
- 1989--Mary Emil Penet, IHM
- 1991--Institute of Formative Spirituality, Duquesne University. (Award accepted by Adrian Van Kaam, CSSP, and Dr. Susan Muto), and the Institute of Religious Formation at St. Louis University (Award accepted by Joan Pitlyk, CSJ)
- 1993--Adorers of the Blood of Christ of Ruma, Illinois, in memory of their sisters who died in Liberia: Mary Joel Kolmer, ASC, Agnes Mueller, ASC, Kathleen McGuire, ASC, Shirley Kolmer, ASC, Barbara Ann Muttra, ASC. (Award accepted by Mildred Gross, ASC, Provincial)
- 1995--Review for Religious, St. Louis, Missouri. (Award accepted by David Fleming, SJ)
- 1997--John Malich, FMS
- 1999--National Black Sisters Conference
- 2001--Carole Riley, CDP
- 2003--Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, SC, and Don Bisson, FMS
- 2005--Sandra Schneiders, IHM
- 2007--Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
- 2009--Mary Daniel Turner, SNDdeN
- 2011--Janet Mock, CSJ
- 2013--Anthony Gittens, CSSp
- 2015--Lynn Levo, CSJ
- 2017--Mary Pat Garvin, RSM
- 2019--Helen Cahill, OP
- 2021--Mary Johnson, SNDdeN
- 2023--Teresa Maya, CCVI
History initially compiled by Sister Barbara Higgins, SC,
RFC Board Chair 1989-1991, from conversations with
Sister Peggy Nichols, CSJ, RFC Executive Director, 1983-1990.