The Religious Formation Conference educates and strengthens formators in their ministry of formation. The RFC engages religious communities with timely resources, services, and experiences that support initial and ongoing formation, that are responsive to an emerging future, in prophetic witness to Gospel values through personal and communal transformation.
As a transforming and reconciling presence of God’s love, the Conference brings its rich religious tradition into interaction with the contemporary and cultural realities of our world by:
- Promoting open, contemplative and collaborative dialogue;
- Modeling and encouraging inclusivity and respect for diversity;
- Welcoming inter-generational and inter-cultural viewpoints; and
- Responding to God’s ongoing invitation to the “new” of religious life.
Animated by God’s vivifying presence, the RFC will stand at the forefront of discerning the formative horizon of the emergent in religious life. In concert with members and collaborative partners, the Conference will lead in the areas of initial and ongoing formation and the professional preparation of formators.
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