Event: 15th Institute for Seminary Formators
Date: June 5-10, 2022
Location: Theological College in Washington, D.C.
The Institute for Seminary Formators is presented and sponsored by the Society of St. Sulpice, Province of the United States, as a formational program for those who minister within the seminary as an advisor, spiritual director or a member of the formation team.
It consists of two components, an in-person segment and a series of three on-line sessions (9/22/22, 11/3/22, and 2/9/23). The daily schedule includes morning prayer, two conferences, Mass, and social time.
There is a $100 discount on registrations paid in full prior to February 1, 2022. Register online at www.sulpicians.org. For additional information contact Carleen Kramer at ckramer@sulpicians.org.