The position of Co-director of the InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN) will open at the conclusion of the current 2024-2025 ICCN Cohort in June 2025. To ensure continuity in this significant role, the ICCN is pleased to announce a search for a new Co-director to assume the position in July 2025.
The Novice Directors are responsible for the planning, implementing, and oversight of the ICCN located in Chicago, IL. The Co-directors cultivate a holistic living/learning environment conducive to prayer, study, ministry, and community living.
Those interested should possess the essential skills and experience listed below as well as a passion for accompanying women in their novitiate year of initial formation.
This is a live-in, full-time role located in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. Hyde Park is a hub of ministry and theology for not just Catholics or Christians, but for all kinds of faith communities. The ICCN is surrounded by nearby Association for Chicago Theological School (ACTS) institutions: Catholic Theological Union, Theological Seminary, University of Chicago Divinity School, McCormick Theological Seminary, Bexley-Seabury Seminary, and the Lutheran School of Theology.
To receive a copy of the full job description and learn more about the application process, please fill out and submit the form below.
Priority will be given to those who apply by April 1, 2025. Applicants will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
Essential Skills and Experience
Ability and passion to carry out the mission of the ICCN:
Mission of the InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate is to provide a quality novitiate experience with peers for novices from multiple congregations. The program will facilitate ongoing discernment in a holistic and mentoring environment that fosters relational, spiritual, intellectual, and intercultural growth and development; nurtures individual charisms and the charism of religious life; and prepares novices to live vowed apostolic religious life.
- Bachelor’s degree required; Master’s degree preferred
- Additional coursework or on-the-job training in formation and related areas
- Final profession
- Valid driver’s license and willingness to drive in Chicago area
- Vocation/formation ministry experience, spiritual direction or personal growth development work or other comparable experience preferred
- Competency in collaboration, inter-congregational work, cultural sensitivity and honoring diversity and broad knowledge of religious life
- Good communication skills that include: nonviolent listening and speaking, writing, presenting
- Good organizational and planning skills that enable one to successfully manage a program
Desirable personal qualities
- self-awareness,
- investment in spiritual development and ongoing formation,
- responsive, accessible and approachable,
- sound judgement,
- consistency and adaptability, accountability,
- able to model respectful community living
ICCN’s Board of Directors prays Holy Wisdom will guide deliberations and discernment as the process for a new Co-director unfolds.
Questions about the position and the selection process can be directed to the Board’s Co-chairs, Sr. Katherine Gray, CSJ (email) or Sr. Barbara Hagedorn, SC (email).