Thanks for your interest in ending the abuse of immigrant children and families by our government.
We are overwhelmed by the number of folks who were able to rearrange their schedules and join us at the Capitol on July 18th. We are expecting 200+ people, 100 of whom are seriously considering civil disobedience!
Whether you are able to join us in Washington or not, please join in solidarity actions.
Pray with us. Plan local solidarity actions. Call the White House. Make your voice heard.
As promised, we’re sending materials that we hope you can use to:
- Pray--Use or adapt the prayer we’ll be using in D.C. (attached upper left)
- Promote the July 18 Call-In Day. Call the White House and tell President Trump “Stop the Inhumanity now!” (attached upper left)
- Plan a public solidarity action (attached upper left)
Thanks much for whatever you can do to Stop The Humanity NOW!