At RFC one of our passions is creating opportunities for religious to come together and share experiences, insights and questions related to religious life.  

We believe that ongoing formation is key to wholehearted living and integration of the many facets of consecrated life.

Ongoing Formation Circles were created out of a need in religious life to attend to the lifelong work of ongoing formation. By engaging in both small and large group discussions, we hope to bring together women and men religious to delve deeper into the topics that are important to religious life in the 21st century. Our hope is that these Circles will be intercongregational, intercultural, and intergenerational.

For our Spring series, we will explore the vows through a variety of lenses. We will discuss the relevance and significance of the vows and how they inform our call to respond to the pressing needs of our time. 

One of the most powerful ways to grow and learn is through the power of storytelling. By sharing our stories, insights, and experiences, we gain a more expansive understanding of the needs, challenges, hopes, and dreams in religious life today. 

Therefore, the majority of the time spent in the Ongoing Formation Circles will be in small groups. Small groups will remain the same for the Spring series, with new small groups created for the Fall series. Our hope is that the small groups will cultivate a space where participants can get to know each other better, build community, and learn from one other.

Sessions will last an hour and a half with some input at the beginning. Materials related to the topic will be sent out ahead of time for you to reflect on and pray with before the Zoom session.

As you discern participation, please keep in mind that there will be a strong emphasis on conversation in small groups, so please come prepared to listen well, share insights, and be open to learning.

Due to the nature of this new program and our desire to maintain confidentiality, we will not be recording sessions.

One of the goals of the Ongoing Formation Circles is to build community and foster a deeper sense of connection by keeping the same small group throughout the sessions. In light of that desire for consistency, please either select afternoon or evening for the sessions. For example, if you choose March’s afternoon session, you will also be registering for the afternoon sessions in April and May.  

Session One  
Afternoon | Wednesday, March 19 at 1 pm - 230 pm CT 
Evening | Thursday, March 20 at 6 pm - 730 pm CT 

Session Two  
Afternoon | Wednesday, April 23 at 1 pm - 230 pm CT 
Evening | Thursday, April 24 at 6 pm - 730 pm CT 

Session Three 
Afternoon | Wednesday, May 21 1 pm - 230 pm CT 
Evening | Thursday, May 22 at 6 pm - 730 pm CT 

The Ongoing Formation Circles are free thanks to the generosity of our annual appeal donors. If you would like to make a donation to help us continue offering programs like as this, please visit the RFC donation page. 

In order to facilitate the timely sharing of Zoom links and Circle materials, we ask those interested to register by Monday, March 10th. Registrants will receive an email confirmation they've registered, and will be sent a Zoom meeting link and other materials on Wednesday, March 12th. 


Please don't hesitate to contact us by email at rfc@relforcon.org with any questions. 

Formation does not end at a determined moment but continues throughout life, throughout the years, integrating the person intellectually, humanly, affectively and spiritually.

Pope Francis