Last week new members of the InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN) gathered for the first time with their at-home novice directors for orientation.
"We're excited to begin our third ICCN cohort! We have three wonderful sisters from the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary. Please include us in your prayers." -Nancy Gerth, SCN, Novitiate Co-Director
The program facilitates ongoing discernment in a holistic and mentoring environment that fosters relational, spiritual, intellectual, and intercultural growth and development; nurtures individual charisms and the charism of religious life; and prepares novices to live vowed apostolic religious life. Learn more about the ICCN here:
What a blessing it will be for these women to pray, live and grow together in faith. Please join us here at the Conference in praying for this year’s novices and their journey ahead.
Pictured: Participants and sending congregation directors take a picture outside the ICCN in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago.