Thanksgiving 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Members and Friends of the Conference,

In this season of thanks, know of the Conference's deep gratitude for all the ways you've been an animator of our mission and ministry.

To our member communities, partners and collaborators, and those who have gifted the RFC with financial support, resources, time and wisdom: thank you!

It is only through your generosity that the Conference is able to stand at the forefront of discerning the formative horizon of what's emerging in religious life. Together, with humble hearts full of gratitude and joy, we walk the way forward.

This Thanksgiving, may we give thanks for the ways God is acting in our lives. As Sister Joyce writes below, "may we always be grateful for your reaching into our lives with surprises of joy, growth, and unearned love."

O gracious God, who so generously lavishes our lives with goodness,
create in our hearts a deep center of gratitude,
a center that grows so strong in its thanksgiving that sharing freely
of our treasures becomes the norm and the pattern of our existence.

Remind us often of how much you cherish us,
of how abundantly you have offered gifts to us,
especially in the hours of our greatest need.
May we always be grateful for your reaching into our lives with
surprises of joy, growth, and unearned love.


Excerpted from "Fresh Bread and Other Stories of Spiritual Nourishment" by Joyce Rupp, OSM.

Thank you for being on this journey with us. From all of us at the National Office in Chicago:

Happy Thanksgiving!

-RFC Staff

Patricia Crowley, OSB | Together Program Coordinator
Ellen Dauwer, SC | Executive Director
Ryan Hoffmann | Associate Director
Brian Michalski | Program Manager
Sofia Mikolyash | Operations Manager

May we always be grateful for your reaching into our lives with surprises of joy, growth, and unearned love.