At first glance, the topic of synodality might appear to belong somewhat narrowly confined to the arena of church governance. In particular, it could be considered an issue that concerns the relationship between the pope and bishops. Thus, synodality apparently has little to do with the ordinary lives of the baptized. As multiple church leaders and theologians – including Pope Francis - have noted, however, synodality, is not simply about certain aspects of church governance but more broadly about how we are church together, and consequently about our shared participation in God’s mission for the church.
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy noted that it is the liturgy, especially the eucharist, that is the font and summit of the church’s life. This means that issues of mission and ecclesiology, synodality and even church governance cannot be divorced from the Church’s eucharistic life.
This webinar will explore this eucharistic nexus and examine how the very practice of eucharist at the local level can rehearse or subvert this broader understanding of synodality as a way of being church.
Reflection Questions
- What does synodality mean to you personally, in your ministry and for your community?
- How do you see synodality and the Eucharist intertwining for the greater Church?