Rose Pacatte, FSP, DMin is a Pauline Sister and the founding director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles. She has co-written two books on media literacy education within faith formation and is an award winning film critic for several Catholic outlets. Rose contributed to the International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy (2019) and most recently served on a media literacy education syllabus committee for the University of Mumbai, India and is an associate producer for the documentary FRANCESCO. Rose is a facilitator for the University of Dayton's Virtual Learning Community of Faith formation (since 2001) and is a co-founder of the National Film Retreat in 2000. She has a MEd in Media Studies from the IOE, University of London and a D.Min, from the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an award-winning film reviewer for the National Catholic Reporter & St. Anthony Messenger. Her last book was the biography Corita Kent: Gentle Revolutionary of the Heart (2018, Liturgical Press).