Sharon is a Dominican Sister of Springfield, Illinois. She has a bachelor’s degree in secondary education and a master’s in hospital administration. In 2001 she received a Masters in Earth Literacy from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, IN, becoming that program’s first graduate.
Sharon is co-founder of Jubilee Farm, her congregation’s 164-acre center for ecology and spirituality, which lies just west of Springfield, IL. Her book Earth Spirituality: In the Catholic and Dominican Traditions, published in 2003 by Sor Juana Press, was the first in the series Dominican Women on Earth. In October of 2008 she joined 139 others for training by Al Gore to present his award winning An Inconvenient Truth from a faith-based perspective. In October of 2015 she was one of the panelists to speak to the encyclical Laudato Si’ at a program with Cardinal Peter Turkson, hosted by the Catholic Conference of Ohio Bishops and the Catholic Climate Covenant held in Columbus, OH. She is included in the book Green Sisters: A Spiritual Ecology by Sarah McFarland Taylor.
She writes, speaks, and leads retreats in and outside the U.S. Her passion is sharing the Cosmic Creation Story and its implications for life and faith. Her latest work focuses on cosmological consciousness as an emerging worldview. She explains it thus: We are in the midst of a cosmic shift in understanding who we are as persons, as people of faith, as a human species. What is this newly emerging consciousness? What does it teach us about who we are, how we are related to the whole, and how we image Holy Mystery?