We are pleased to publish our 2013 Annual Report, an expression of accountability to the Conference’s members, funders, colleagues, and friends.
Letter from Executive Director
As I reflect on this past year in the context of RFC’s mission and vision, on the Conference’s service to religious congregations of women and men for the church and for the world, what emerges is a deep sense of gratitude to our good and gracious God, our faithful and faith-filled members and the numerous committed lay and religious partners in mission with whom RFC collaborates.
2013 was, indeed, a very full year. Although more detail is given in the following pages of this Annual Report, I want to highlight this year’s significant happenings. Among them was the successful completion of a ground-breaking three year series of progamming titled: Transformation of Religious Life in North America: An Action-Oriented Initiaitve. Participants included general membership, formation personnel and elected leadership. These members benefited significantly from the generous support of this initiative by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, a second foundation and private donors. Findings from a study by CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate) confirmed the inestimable value of this series to religious congregations at this critical time in the history of religious life, our church and world.
Additional successful programming included the Conference’s ongoing ForMission, Life Commitment and Orientation to Formation programs, and the Congress 2013 titled Rooted in the Mission of Jesus: Reaching Out to the Margins, during which we launched the beginning of the 60th anniversary of the Religious Formation Conference. A series of nationwide programs to take place in 2014 was designed in 2013 to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Implementation in 2013 of a strategic operational plan, designed and developed in 2012, was made possible through the financial support of a foundation that has been an RFC partner in mission for many years. This support and confidence on the part of the funding source enabled RFC to hire an additional staff person, move to a new national office location in Washington, DC and update significantly our technology for the sake of advancing RFC’s mission and services to our members. Resulting from these progam and capacity building initiatives is a revitalized national profile of RFC.
Adding to the joy and fullness of 2013 was news of the election of Pope Francis, the first pope from the Americas and from the Global South and the first Jesuit. His challenge and invitation to live the gospel joyfully resonates strongly with our call as disciples called and sent to live and proclaim the Gospel in today’s world and church. RFC’s mission and vision provides the context for our members and partners in mission to embrace this challenge.
In closing, I wish to highlight the image of the nautilus used on the front cover of this report and a symbol we will use throughout our 60th anniversary year. As it grows, a nautilus creates new chambers in which to live. This rich symbol captures for us the growth and expansion that has characterized the mission of the Religious Formation Conference in 2013 and, indeed, throughout the Conference’s history.
I pray for God’s continued blessings on all who contribute to the mission of the Conference.
With gratitude,
Sister Violet Grennan, mfic
Executive Director