Religious Life Encountering Synodality
Video recording of discussion with Professor Rafael Luciani and Sr. Maria Cimperman.
Video recording of discussion with Professor Rafael Luciani and Sr. Maria Cimperman.
Philip Pinto, CFC gave a keynote address at the 2021 CMSM Assembly, "Wake Up the World: Living Our Prophetic Witness Through the Eyes of the Poor."
Recording explores how young people’s religious longings and belongings shift, expand, and change.
Three Catholic sisters reflect on their life and ministry as women religious. Music and reflection questions included.
UISG-sponsored conversation on Dr. Maria Cimperman's new book, Religious Life for our World: Creating Communities of Hope.
Recorded session from the 25th World Day for Consecrated Life featuring reflections by newer members.
Click for Lynn Levo's presentation, COVID-19: The Impact of Isolation and Confinement on Religious Communities.
Pick up your favorite presentations from this year's Congress! Click to order online today.
In this webinar presentation Marianne shares her experience with and teaching of a practice called Compassionate Listening.
In this webinar Fr. John Tourangeau engages several topics related to clergy sexual abuse and the role and dynamics of power.
Several of this year's UISG plenary addresses have been made available via video for others to watch.
The Center for the Study of Conscreated Life, with whom the RFC partners and collaborates, has made available videos from their recent conference on interculturality.
Sister Barbara Jean Franklin, ASC has made text of her webinar presentation available to RFC members.
The workshop Life-Giving Community: Cultivating Communication, Connection and Compassion recording and presentation materials are now available for purchase.
Fr. Dan Horan, OFM gives an overview of the preparatory materials that have been assembled for the 2018 Synod on Young People.