With the assistance of a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the Conference is excited to announce the hiring of Nancy Gerth, SCN and Corrina Thomas, FSPA as Co-Directors for the new Intercongregational Collaborative Novitiate. These experienced formators will work collaboratively with each other and the Board to launch the new novitiate in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago this fall.
Nancy Gerth, SCN is a Sister of Charity of Nazareth. She is a native of Louisville, KY where she currently resides and serves as her Province’s Formation and Novice Director. Nancy’s ministry experiences include education, social service with the homeless and vocation ministry. She is involved in her congregation’s international vocation and formation committee and several others in the area of initial formation. She enjoys reading, art, home repair and sunshine. She is honored to be part of this initiative and looks forward to its invitation to collaboration. Pictured below, on left.
Corrina Thomas, FSPA is a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration. She is currently the Novice Minister for her community and lives in Chicago. Corrina was born and raised in India and has been living in the United States for 24 years. Besides formation ministry, her other ministries include spiritual direction, program/retreat director in spirituality centers, and has also worked with victims/survivors of human trafficking. Corrina believes in the future of religious life and the necessity of creating spaces for grace and relationships for newer members. She looks forward to working with the Intercongregational Collaborative Novitiate. Pictured below, on right.
We are grateful to the search committee for their work: Mary Pat Garvin, RSM; Nicole Trahan, FMI: Andrea Koverman, SC; and Michelle Lesher, SSJ
Applications Now Available for Intercongregational Collaborative Novitiate
The Novitiate Committee for the Conrad N. Hilton grant entitled, “Forming the Next Generation of Religious and Resourcing Their Formators” is happy to announce that applications are now open for novices for the Intercongregational Collaborative Novitiate for the 2021-2022 academic year. The program will begin on August 15, 2021 and conclude on or about June 15, 2022. It will be located in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, near Catholic Theological Union.
Click on the link below to access prerequisites for the program as well as the application form. Please send the completed forms to rfc@relforcon.org. Applications are due on May 1. Should you have any questions during the application process, please contact either of the Co-Directors: Nancy Gerth, SCN (ngerth@scnky.org) or Corrina Thomas, FSPA (cthomas@fspa.org).
<< Click to access prerequisites and application materials >>
The mission of the Intercongregational Collaborative Novitiate is to provide a quality novitiate experience with peers for novices from multiple congregations.
The program will facilitate ongoing discernment in a holistic and mentoring environment that fosters relational, spiritual, intellectual, and intercultural growth and development; nurtures individual charisms and the charism of religious life; and prepares novices to live vowed apostolic religious life.
Click here to view a recording of an information session held last month on the Novitiate program.