
We are pleased to share with you the fall edition ofInFormation. The feature article by Program Director, Connie Schoen, OP, The Sacred Work of Gifting Forward, reflects on practices that help us become aware of the God who is always present with us. Her passionate essay is based on her experience directing programs at the RFC and illustrates the best religious life has to gift our church and world. 

Additionally, three others reflect on the theme of this year's Congress: Being Signs of Courageous Hope. A religious Brother, younger Sister, and a congregational Associate explore what it means to tend to the spaces where God's love is breaking through, co-creating communities of justice, love, and peace. 

Click here to login to get to the member's section and access InFormation. Please share this resource with those in your community. 

Finally, we invite our membership to join us for a webinar on Tuesday, October 15 titled Being A Sign of Courageous Hope: Practicing Compassionate Listeningpresented by Marianne Farina, CSC, PhD. Click to learn more and register.    

As always, don't hesitate to reach out if there is anything you need from us. We can be reached by calling 773.675.8362 or by email at

Ryan J. Hoffmann
Associate Director