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An Honor to Pray for Your Deceased Loved Ones


We want to express our thanks to everyone for sending us the lists of your deceased loved ones on our purple sheets over the last few weeks.  It is such an honor to pray for them!   The number of names we received this year was extraordinary.  The images below are a subset of those we have received so far.  The entire quantity is being divided and sent to several of the communities where our Sisters live where they will be prayed for daily on the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls as well as throughout the month of November and beyond.  We also remember our own deceased Holy Union Sisters whom we remember fondly and with gratitude especially during this time of year.

Of course, we pray daily for all those whose names you continue to send us who have died or are struggling with illnesses or injuries of every kind.  Our thanks to Sister Gert Pare who works diligently to collect and distribute the names of those in need of prayers to our Sisters throughout the year and especially in this season of remembrance and gratitude for our deceased family members and friends.  If you have not yet sent us your purple sheet please know we will continue to accept them as long as we receive them.

We hope you will join us and raising up those who have gone before us and who continue to intercede for us as we continue our own earthly journeys.  Below we have provided a series of images of our All Saints and All Souls display in our Fall River office as we prepare to distribute them to our Sisters.




All Saints Evening Image

All Saints Daytime Image Landscape

All Saints Evening Image Landscape

All Saints Evening Image Portrait



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