Religious from 10 different congregations have gathered at the beautiful University of St. Mary of the Lake (USML) near Chicago for the Conference's 40th annual Life Commitment Program July 8-15.
Life Commitment is an 8-day program that provides an opportunity for Catholic religious to contemplate and reflect on their call to embrace a lifetime commitment to consecrated life.
We're excited to welcome 17 women and men religious to this year's program!

In addition to this year's participants, we're thrilled to have the following presenters joining us:
Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI
Religious Life as a Prophetic Enterprise
Br. John Barker, OFM
For Your Sake He Became Poor: Following Christ -- Joyfully -- in Evangelical Poverty
Sr. Karina Conrad, CDP
The Vow of Obedience: A Commitment to Deep Listening and Discernment
Fr. Philip Yang, OSA
Empowered by Celibacy
Sr. Romina Sapinoso, SC, and Sr. Annie Klapheke, SC
Cultivating Wholeness in Community
Presenters engage participants in dialogue on the vows, community and communal life, and the blessings and challenges of vowed religious life in the 21st century. The program creates an atmosphere for deepening discernment regarding one's desire and freedom to choose a lifelong vowed commitment.
Please keep them in prayer as they begin what will surely be a time of graced encounter and joyous community.