The Nuns on the Bus arrived at Freedom Corner in the Hill District of Pittsburgh with cheers from the crowd as the Sisters and Friends debarked from the bus. Excitement was felt as the Sisters from Pittsburgh greeted Sisters from the various religious congregations who were riding the bus. At the Rally, speeches were made by those riding the bus as well as local residents who stressed the power of vote and encouraged all to VOTE, VOTE!!! At the conclusion of the rally all were invited to sign the bus (thus taking all those in attendance with them to the next rally later that day in Cleveland, Ohio). From there the bus will continue crossing our country ending the journey in California.

The Sisters said being a small part of this journey was a great feeling.

The Network theme for 2024 is “Vote our Future”. Network teamed up with Nuns on the Bus- who added – ‘and Friends” for this project. For the first time, the tour included bus riders who aren’t Sisters but multi-faith and secular coalition partners: hence Nuns on the Bus & Friends.

Sister Michaelette and Sister Corrine reflected on their experiences the next day and remembered the chant that was the theme for the 2024 NOTBAF tour. It was “Everyone thrives, no exceptions.” That theme was chanted very frequently. The speaker would start with “Everyone thrives” and all would chant back “No exceptions”. Signs were held that said “Vote Our Future,” “Multi-Issue Voter”.

Throughout the presentations the call voiced by all was “Everyone Thrives, No Exceptions.”