Giselle Gómez Guillén, STJ is Nicaraguan and a religious of the Society of St. Teresa of Jesus (Teresian of Enrique de Osso). As she describes herself, she is shaped by knowing that she is a woman in the concrete spaces in which life places her, and to feel deeply Teresian. She accepts this history as the place where the mysterious Presence of God manifests itself daily and is grateful for the sprouts of life, strong, although fragile, amid the precariousness and hardness of life. Being a psychologist, educator, and theologian has given her the tools to approach the depth of people and value their "dignity and beauty" as Teresa of Jesus says. Sr. Giselle believes in the ability of people to rebuild themselves inside and stand up. The fact of having lived in different cultures: Central America, United States, Europe and to know others, has widened her personal horizon and pushes her to live as part of a large human family in which we are all brothers and sisters.