Brother Armin Luistro, Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, has appointed Brother Juan Antonio Ojeda Ortiz as the Institute’s representative to the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) for a three-year mandate, from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2027. 

Brother Juan Antonio is a native of Arucas (Canary Islands, Spain) and belongs to the Arlep District (Lasallian Association of Spain and Portugal). 

He is a Pedagogue and holds a Doctorate in Education from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He has served as Secretary General of the Catholic Schools of Spain, Dean of the Centro Universitario La Salle Madrid and President of the Association of University Teaching Centres of the Church in Spain. He also received the Gold Master’s Award from the Fórum de Alta Dirección (Senior Management Forum).

Due to his expertise in Didactics, School Management, and Educational Trends and Innovation, he has collaborated in the creation of educational networks and in the training of teachers and educational managers. He has also been a guest speaker at numerous national and international conferences in the field of education. 

Brother Juan Antonio is currently Project Manager at the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC). In January 2023, he was appointed Consultor to the Dicastery for Culture and Education by Pope Francis for a second five-year term. He is also a collaborating member of the Vatican’s team of the Global Compact on Education. 

Brother Juan Antonio Ojeda is also a member of the Advisory Board of Design for Change Global, and is a lecturer and member of the Management Team of the Centro Universitario de Magisterio, (Teacher Training College) CAMMIA, Antequera, at the Universidad de Malaga (Spain)

We thank Brother Juan Antonio for his ongoing service to the Institute and to the Church through the OIEC. May St. John Baptist de La Salle, Universal Patron of Teachers, continue to bless his Lasallian educational ministry.