January 19, 2025 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sr. Ellen Keane, SNDdeN John 2: 1-11 John begins narrating the wedding feast of Cana with, “On the third day”. Numbers seem to play a role in this passage. The mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited The wine gave out.The mother of Jesus said, “They have no wine.” Jesus said, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” Three times Mary is identified not by name, but by Mother… Hodding Carter, journalist and author once wrote, “Two precious gifts a family brings …give them roots and give them wings! Clearly, his mother and Joseph gave Jesus his roots… deep, rich, grounding… and together with the grounding he was given at an early age, he was also given wings to fly.Here at Cana His mother knew his time had come. Although he was slow to take wing, it was time to fly. She helped him to see that as well, as she pushed him out of the nest! His mother speaks again; this time to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6 stone jars are filled to […]