“Our world is at an historic paradoxical moment. In the midst of extraordinary possibilities that offer promise and life, we simultaneously witness inequality, suffering and violence.” (Philosophy of Sacred Heart Education – Sophie’s Gift…Our Call to the Future, 2023)
Moments of such sadness, moments of such loss, moments of such brokenness simply bring us to our knees: there are simply no words to adequately hold space for the horror of this kind of jarring violence. The Religious of the Sacred Heart, united by our call to “discover and reveal” the love of the heart of Jesus through our shared contemplation of Christ’s heart, desire to stand against violence of every kind.
This tragedy in New Orleans “as well as the many tragedies of violence that preceded it, calls us to strengthen our work to live the gospel and recommit ourselves to actively participating in creating a world that reflects God’s dream.” (Barbara Dawson, RSCJ, former superior general of the Society of the Sacred Heart).
Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, provincial of the Society of the Sacred Heart United States – Canada Province reflected in a January 1, 2025, letter to the extended community of the Society in this way:
“We are at a choice point as pilgrims of hope and as contemplative compassionate persons inspired by the Heart of Christ. Contemplation is our starting point to acting with hope because prayer and discernment enable us to experience the glimmer of God’s grace and presence and give us the courage and confidence to act.”
As religious sisters and educators, our response to acts of violence such as the one in New Orleans, and to others enacted in countries, cities, and streets across the world, is to denounce and announce:
We denounce violence of all kinds, including physical, psychological, inter-personal, structural, and collective violence.
We announce nonviolence and peacemaking as an antidote to violence.
We denounce the use of violence to intentionally create fear, anguish, and despair in groups of human beings.
We announce the transforming power of love to heal the human heart, mind, and spirit.
We denounce ideologies and practices that support evil acts, “acts which, in and of themselves, independently of circumstances and intentions, are always gravely illicit by reason of their object…” (Catholic Catechism, para. 1756)
We announce our belief in the dignity and life of each human being.
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