Our witness to communion Author: Sister Mary Pellegrino C.S.J. Attachment: our_witness_to_communion_sister_mary_pellegrino_c.s.j..pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Obedience: showing up and listening for God Author: Sister Mary Pellegrino C.S.J. Attachment: obedience__showing_up_and_listening_for_god_updated___sister_mary_pellegrino_c.s.j._2018.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Obedience as sacrifice and blessing Attachment: obedience_as_sacrifice_and_blessing_kevin_griffith_cfc.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Lean Into the Nitty-Gritty of Religious Life's Evolution Author: Sr. Judith Shaeffer Attachment: lean_into_the_nitty-gritty_of_religious_lifes_evolution.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Leadership makes the difference Author: Sister Mary Rowell C.S.J. Attachment: leadership_makes_the_difference_4-28-22.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Healthy transitions for new members, ministers and the community Author: Sr. Mercedes J. McCann R.S.M Attachment: healthy_transitions_for_new_members_ministers_and_the_community_sr._mercedes_j._mccann_r.s.m..pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Exploring three dimensions of the vow of obedience Author: Howard Gray S.J. Attachment: exploring_three_dimensions_of_the_vow_of_obedience_howard_gray_sj.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Elements of synodality Attachment: elements_of_synodality_7-24-23.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Community, communitas and downward mobility Author: Anthony Gittins C.S.Sp. Attachment: community_communitas_and_downward_mobility_anthony_gittins.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Reconceiving Religious Life in the 21st Century Author: Ilia Delio Attachment: center_for_christogenesis_reconceiving_religious_life_in_the_21st_century___center_for_christogenesis.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Celibate chastity: an affair of the heart Author: Brother Sean D. Sammon F.M.S. Attachment: celibate_chastity__an_affair_of_the_heart_brother_sean_d._sammon_f.m.s..pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Building communal life through prayer Author: Sister Marcia Allen C.S.J. Attachment: building_communal_life_through_prayer__sister_marcia_allen_c.s.j..pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Becoming the Fire to Transform Religious Life today Author: Mudita Menona Sodder Attachment: becoming_the_fire_to_transform_religious_life_today_1.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
The Joy of the Gospel” has messages for us Author: Sr. Theresa Rickard O.P Attachment: the_joy_of_the_gospel_has_messages_for_us_sister_theresa_rickard_o.p._1.pdf Formation Resources: ForMission Text
Rejecting Family-Imposed Roles Author: Marilyn T. Wussler, S.S.N.D., M.S. Attachment: wussler.rejecting_family-imposed_roles.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Retrieving Saint Francis: Tradition and Innovation for Our Ecological Vocation Author: Keith Douglass Warner, OFM Attachment: warner.retrieving_st_francis.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Life as a Vocation Author: Mgr. Joseph Tobin Attachment: tobin.vocation_as_pilgrimage.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Greening the Vows Laudato si' and Religious Life Author: Margaret Scott Attachment: scott.greening_the_vows.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Mother-Daughter Conflicts Affecting Religious Life Author: Judith Ann Schaefer, O.S.F., Ph.D. Attachment: schaefer.mother-daughter_conflicts...pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Life-long Formation for Living in Right-Relationship (Part 2) Author: Luisa M. Saffiotti, PhD Attachment: saffiotti.life_long_formation_part_ii.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Life-long Formation for Living in Right-Relationship (Part 1) Author: Luisa M. Saffiotti, PhD Attachment: saffiotti.life_long_formation_part_i.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Forming for a Prophetic Way of Life in and In-Between Time Attachment: saffiotti.forming_for_prophetic_way_of_life.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
Eating Disorders in Religious Life Author: Luisa Saffiotti Attachment: saffiotti.eating_disorders_in_religious_life.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text
A shrinking Horizon Author: Rolheiser Attachment: rolheiser.shrinking_horizon.pdf Formation Resources: Formation Ministry ForMission Text