InFormation 2022 No. 1 : Book Review, Millennial Nuns : Reflections on Living a Spiritual Life in a World of Social Media, by Juliet Mousseau, RSCJ

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2022 No.1 Spring

"The eight individuals who contribute to the collection present their stories humbly and honestly. Readers will find their own story reflected in the joys and struggles the authors describe from their own lives. One sister speaks of her family’s dysfunction, another of divorce, one of moving around as a child, another of school bullies. One speaks of a time where she experienced depression, while another talks of loving a boyfriend and choosing atheism with him. Each one presents steps on the path that led her to her calling as a sister."

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Cover of InFormation 2022 Number 1, Spring
Mousseau, Juliet, RSCJ

InFormation 2022 No. 1 : The Spirit in the Assembly, by Austen Ivereigh

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2022 No.1 Spring

"Unlike synods in other traditions, the Roman version is consultative. Final responsibility for discernment and the decisions that flow from it lies with the bishops and ultimately the pope, who are assisted in their discernment by the body of believers. Or so the theory goes. In practice, before this pontificate any pre-synod consultation of the People of God was at best perfunctory, and the synods themselves were less exercises in discernment than confirmation of existing belief and practice. That has changed under Francis."

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Cover of InFormation 2022 Number 1, Spring
Ivereigh, Austen
Formation Resources: 

InFormation 2018 No. 2 : Awaking to Our Thirst : Continuing Formation, by Thomas Johnson, FSC

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.2 Summer

"Through all of these programs, we aim to have Brothers and Lay Partners focus on their ministry, their journey and their spirituality. Ultimately each religious is responsible for his or her continuing formation but we all share the responsibility to accompany each other in awakening our thirst before seeking the water of the Spirit."

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Image from InFormation 2018 Number 2, Summer
Johnson, Thomas, FSC

InFormation 2018 No. 2 : Importance of Ongoing Formation for Dominican Sisters, Springfield, Illinois, by Marilyn Jean Runkel, OP, Ph.D.

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.2 Summer

"Several years ago, our congregation established six standing committees as resources for life and mission. These committees ordinarily meet quarterly to review, study and share with the entire community various aspects of living our Dominican charism of Preaching. The Ongoing Formation Committee (OGFC) consists of eight to twelve members who volunteer for a term of three years, renewable for a second three-year term. During the past three years the committee has focused on the integration of all areas of lifelong formation."

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Image from InFormation 2018 Number 2, Summer
Runkel, Marilyn Jean, OP, Ph.D.

InFormation 2018 No. 2 : Ongoing Formation : U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, by Patty Johnson, CSJ

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.2 Summer

"For the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St Joseph, ongoing formation is an unfolding and evolving process of responding to God’s call. It is a continuation of the initial commitment and expands our understanding and expression of the charism and spirituality of the Sisters of St Joseph. That understanding and expression changes, grows, and deepens through all the stages of life."

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Image from InFormation 2018 Number 2, Summer
Johnson, Patty, CSJ

InFormation 2018 No. 2 : Ongoing Formation for the Whole, by Ellen Dauwer, SC

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.2 Summer

"Ongoing/lifelong formation focuses on the continual growth of the whole person to promote a deeper, fuller commitment. Again, it is not about professional recycling or giving more information or helping members to be better informed. Ongoing formation is not the complement or correction of initial formation. Contrary to much of our thinking and structures, it doesn’t begin when initial formation is 'completed'."

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Dauwer, Ellen, SC

InFormation 2019 No. 1 : A Committed Way of Life, by Jeanne Connolly

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.1 Spring

"I define the associate way of life as 'Women and men who choose to make a public and formal commitment (covenant) to embody the charism and mission of a religious congregation within the Associate’s primary life vocation for the sake of all of God’s creation.' I consciously use the words 'choose', 'formal and public commitment' and 'embody' to describe this way of belonging to a religious community."

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Connolly, Jeanne

InFormation 2019 No. 1 : Lifelong Formation for Franciscan Men in the U.S. : Musings from the Margins, by Michael A. Perry, OFM

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.1 Spring

"This same idea of spiritual accompaniment finds echo in the spiritual vision of St. Francis of Assisi. Francis models this concept of spiritual accompaniment through his regular visits to special places where he could step back from missionary engagement, and step into an intense experience of listening to the voice of God in the Sacred Scriptures, and in the events of his life and that of his brothers and of his ‘times’. Curiously, Francis never goes into the ‘silence’ of the mountain caves or other places alone; he is always accompanied by several of the friars."

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Perry, Michael A., OFM

InFormation 2019 No. 2 : Formation for Community in the Current Ecclesial Context : Biblical Reflections, by Sandra Schneider, IHM

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.2 Summer

"The only solid basis for such a community life, the life of adult companions in Gospel living, which is based on mutual love, open communication, non-fearful observance of agreed upon goals and behavior, appropriate mutual submission to one another, in other words, that looks like Jesus’ band of friends, is in fact the Gospel-based imitation of Jesus. We cannot get it from or freeze it into rule books, rituals, regulations and so on. Like any form of human life, it must have procedures and rituals and even at times methods of ensuring appropriate behavior. But Jesus says it is essentially and literally a life of universal friendship, which is intrinsically egalitarian even if we need to differentiate roles and responsibilities for the sake of effectiveness in ministry."

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Image from InFormation 2019 Number 2, Summer
Schneider, Sandra, IHM
Formation Resources: 

InFormation 2019 No. 3 : Practicing Courageous Hope, by Rhonda Miska, OP

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.3 Fall

"Christian hope acknowledges reality we can see, humbly acknowledges God sees infinitely more, and chooses to trust that God is always in the business of bringing about new life where we don’t expect it. And then Christian hope is realized in action as we get dirt under our fingernails – planting a seed, pulling a weed, watering a tender shoot."

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Image from InFormation 2019 Number 3, Fall
Miska, Rhonda, OP

InFormation 2019 No. 3 : The Sacred Work of Gifting Forward : Program Reflections, by Connie Schoen, OP

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.3 Fall

"To surrender oneself to the total transformation of mind, heart and soul to which Paul refers is to choose a spiritual journey fraught with growing pains culminating in the incarnation itself. This is not a journey one makes alone. The gifted women and men who accompany one another through the ForMission experience and process remind me of the necessity and importance of bridgebuilders and tradition bearers among us."

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Image from InFormation 2019 Number 3, Fall
Schoen, Connie, OP
Formation Resources: 

InFormation 2020 No. 3 : New Wine, Fresh Skins!, by Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC, PhD

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.3 Fall

"I have come to understand the role of a formator as offering a context in which an individual and a group might grow to the fullness of their calling as disciples of Jesus Christ in the spirit and charism of their founders. The essential agents in the growth are the individual and the Holy Spirit. The context has a social dimension which facilitates progress in personal belonging and identification within a local community, a congregation, and the People of God. The formator is an essential companion on the journey, particularly attentive to growth and the movement of the Spirit within the individual."

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Cover of InFormation 2020 Number 3, Fall
Moffett, Patrick Sean, CFC, PhD
Formation Resources: 

InFormation 2020 No. 4 : Some Secrets Worth Knowing, by Ronald, Rolheiser, OMI

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.4 Winter

"Here are ten counsels for living when we are, in effect, housebound, that is, living in a situation wherein we don’t have a lot of privacy, have to do a lot of living within a very small circle, face long hours wherein we have to struggle to find things that energize us, and wherein we find ourselves for good stretches of time frustrated, bored, impatient, and lethargic."

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Cover of InFormation 2020 Number 4, Winter
Rolheiser, Ronald, OMI
Formation Resources: 

InFormation 2020 No. 4 : Reflection : To Be Alive in Such an Age, by Julia Townsend

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.4 Winter

"Women and men on the front lines are caring for our health as political and spiritual leaders guide us and support us each day, providing human faces of calm and strength to help us move forward. And everywhere, prayer: time for personal prayer and reflection, and time for global prayer all around our world! Even Mother Earth has had a reprieve from the usual insults we unleash on her!"

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Cover of InFormation 2020 Number 4, Winter
Townsend, Julia

InFormation 2021 No. 1 : Together Program Adds Distance Option

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.1 Spring

"When [Catholic Theological Union] CTU announced that it would offer its fall courses online, Together shifted to a virtual format. As a result, program participants were able to connect with each other via Zoom for community time as well as prayer and formation experiences. We were delighted with the success of this virtual format! As a result of this success, Together is pleased to announce the addition of a distance format for those wanting to participate in the program from afar."

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Cover of InFormation 2021 Number 1, Spring

InFormation 2021 No. 1 : Book Review, Religious Life for Our World : Creating Communities of Hope, by Patricia Crowley, OSB

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.1 Spring

"Maria Cimperman’s new book will be a gift to religious communities who are looking for hope-filled ways to stimulate discussions about the future of religious life both locally and globally. While definitely directed at men and women religious, some of material may very well be fodder for building community in lay circles as well as it recognizes that each baptized person is called to create community and spread love in our world"

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Cover of InFormation 2021 Number 1, Spring
Crowley, Patricia, OSB

InFormation 2021 No. 2 : Celebrating Traditions, Changing the World, by Mary Haddard, RSM

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.2 Summer

"Today, our lives continue to be shaped by a singular commitment to make God’s love known in our suffering world. We believe that each life is sacred; that all share in the common good; and that we have a responsibility to ensure a preferential option for those who are poor and marginalized."

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Cover of InFormation 2021 Number 2, Summer
Haddad, Mary, RSM
Formation Resources: 

InFormation 2021 No. 4 : Yet, We Arise!, by Fr. Richard Hall, OMI

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.4 Winter

"Today the First Reading and the Gospel speak of widows and of generosity: Elijah, seeking a piece of cake, and the widow placing two small coins in the basket. I believe that all of us can give examples of generosity from these last two years of this pandemic, when people arose from their normal behavior and routine to help those in need."

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Cover of InFormation 2021 Number 4, Winter
Hall, Richard, OMI

InFormation 2021 No. 4 : Rise Up : Reclaiming Public Space for Goode, by Mary Pellegrino, CSJ

InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.4 Winter

"Could it be that the profound disruptions that are taking place in our world and church, across all cultures and places, are harbingers of a resurrection and the hope that new life brings? Could it be that the breakdown of our systems and structures and the utter instability of this change of era - in every aspect of life, including institutional religious life, is actually a breakthrough to a new horizon?"

&quotTo consider hope in this way may provide an insight into the full flourishing of the human community in ways that we would never have expected and were not possible from our previously unexamined narratives, or collapsing worldviews."

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Cover of InFormation 2021 Number 4, Winter
Pellegrino, Mary, CSJ


Religious women and men take a vow of obedience that binds them to those with whom they share life. In the contemporary experience, discernment - both individual and communal - is extremely difficult and has few, if any, parameters. The webinar will explore a model of communal discernment that is centered in communion ecclesiology and that offers religious a model for engaging in communal discernment.

Sister Judith Schaefer, O.P., Ph.D., is currently serving as president of Cotter Schools (grades 7-12) in Winona, Minnesota. Sister Judith is on leave from Saint Mary's University of MN where she previously served as Professor and Chair of Theology for 10 years, and as University Dean for University Affairs for three years. Sister Judith is a professed member of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation, which has its Motherhouse in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. Sister Judith completed her doctoral work at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, in Theology and Society, with an allied discipline in psychology. She has a Masters of Divinity degree from Aquinas Institute in Saint Louis, MO, and a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago. Sister completed her undergraduate work in elementary education and received a bachelor’s degree from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, IL.

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Contemplating the gifts received when called into the vowed life will be the focus of this webinar. Our vows are a gateway into discipleship and communion. The challenge is to see the depth of meaning offered by each vow. According to Ilia Delio (2011) “heaven is not a place of disembodied spirits but an embrace of love that transforms this present earthly life with its frailties and weaknesses into the divine presence of enduring love….Heaven is not another world but this world clearly seen.” Come spend an hour clearly seeing the transformative nature of our vows. 

Mary Lou Mitchell, SSJ serves as Congregational President for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester. She holds a Ph.D. in nursing and completed two years of post-doctoral work in researching the mind-body connection in health and well-being. Prior to serving in leadership she was on faculty at Nazareth College and had a private practice in holistic health. Sr. Mary Lou has spent years personally and professionally growing in the contemplative practice of living in the present moment.

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