Radical Inclusion and Christian Hospitality
Leadership Conference of Woemn's Religious 2024 Annual Assembly - Orlando, Fl
Leadership Conference of Woemn's Religious 2024 Annual Assembly - Orlando, Fl
UISG workshop, based on the newly published book "God’s Call Is Everywhere. A Global Analysis of Contemporary Religious Vocations for Women".
Video can be found by clicking here
The book is the first comparative analysis of research in United States, Canada, Australia, and France, along with focus groups and interviews in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and France investigating women who have entered vowed religious life in Catholicism in the twenty-first century.
Religious Law and Consultation Spring Newsletter
Civic/Canon Law Issues in Vocation and Formation can be found by clicking here.
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2022 No.1 Spring
"The eight individuals who contribute to the collection present their stories humbly and honestly. Readers will find their own story reflected in the joys and struggles the authors describe from their own lives. One sister speaks of her family’s dysfunction, another of divorce, one of moving around as a child, another of school bullies. One speaks of a time where she experienced depression, while another talks of loving a boyfriend and choosing atheism with him. Each one presents steps on the path that led her to her calling as a sister."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.3 Fall
"The questions I consider to be primary: Is the person requesting to enter this significant phase of religious life, the Novitiate, fascinated with the idea of following Jesus? Is she/he fascinated with the prospect of doing this with other women or men committed to proclaiming the Gospel? Is God the compelling reason behind the inquirer’s choice?"
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In this podcast recorded live at the opening of CTU’s Center for the Study of Consecrated Life, Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS, delivers the lecture “Re-Imagining Consecrated Life in a Changing World.” Filmed on February 12, 2015.
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.1 Spring
"I define the associate way of life as 'Women and men who choose to make a public and formal commitment (covenant) to embody the charism and mission of a religious congregation within the Associate’s primary life vocation for the sake of all of God’s creation.' I consciously use the words 'choose', 'formal and public commitment' and 'embody' to describe this way of belonging to a religious community."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.1 Spring
"When we start to realize the shared calls to action, it becomes incredibly powerful to imagine what it might mean to gather forces – across traditions and generations. There are bridges to be built that can transform how we exercise our collective power in response to the greatest issues of our time. And in the process, we too grow in the ways we understand and relate to one another, and to our world. It is evolutionary and revolutionary hand-in-hand; it is rooted in tradition while responding to the signs of the times. It is the intersection of the emerging reality of religious life and spirituality today, and the prophetic stance. It feels like, frankly, exactly the moment we are all here for."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.1 Spring
"You have to see, not be afraid, have courage, courage. Together, we can help others overcome those obstacles, those difficulties in life. I believe though we have to be like lions that are not afraid to face what we have before us so we can accompany others who need our strength and our courage to face life’s difficulties. But we must do it with the gentleness of souls."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.3 Fall
"We believe it is essential to consider the following readiness questions before considering a person’s theology or ecclesiology because these questions reflect core issues of sound human development. That comes first. Sometimes issues around ecclesiology can mask developmental or even psychological issues. If we first ensure that people are healthy and capable of formation, then we can all genuinely and openly engage other areas."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2021 No.4 Winter
"Could it be that the profound disruptions that are taking place in our world and church, across all cultures and places, are harbingers of a resurrection and the hope that new life brings? Could it be that the breakdown of our systems and structures and the utter instability of this change of era - in every aspect of life, including institutional religious life, is actually a breakthrough to a new horizon?"
"To consider hope in this way may provide an insight into the full flourishing of the human community in ways that we would never have expected and were not possible from our previously unexamined narratives, or collapsing worldviews."
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Religious women and men take a vow of obedience that binds them to those with whom they share life. In the contemporary experience, discernment - both individual and communal - is extremely difficult and has few, if any, parameters. The webinar will explore a model of communal discernment that is centered in communion ecclesiology and that offers religious a model for engaging in communal discernment.
Sister Judith Schaefer, O.P., Ph.D., is currently serving as president of Cotter Schools (grades 7-12) in Winona, Minnesota. Sister Judith is on leave from Saint Mary's University of MN where she previously served as Professor and Chair of Theology for 10 years, and as University Dean for University Affairs for three years. Sister Judith is a professed member of the Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation, which has its Motherhouse in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. Sister Judith completed her doctoral work at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, in Theology and Society, with an allied discipline in psychology. She has a Masters of Divinity degree from Aquinas Institute in Saint Louis, MO, and a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago. Sister completed her undergraduate work in elementary education and received a bachelor’s degree from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, IL.
Contemplating the gifts received when called into the vowed life will be the focus of this webinar. Our vows are a gateway into discipleship and communion. The challenge is to see the depth of meaning offered by each vow. According to Ilia Delio (2011) “heaven is not a place of disembodied spirits but an embrace of love that transforms this present earthly life with its frailties and weaknesses into the divine presence of enduring love….Heaven is not another world but this world clearly seen.” Come spend an hour clearly seeing the transformative nature of our vows.
Mary Lou Mitchell, SSJ serves as Congregational President for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester. She holds a Ph.D. in nursing and completed two years of post-doctoral work in researching the mind-body connection in health and well-being. Prior to serving in leadership she was on faculty at Nazareth College and had a private practice in holistic health. Sr. Mary Lou has spent years personally and professionally growing in the contemplative practice of living in the present moment.
What do the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures tell us about the nature of a prophetic call by God and our response? How do the narratives of the Bible challenge us in terms of both initial and ongoing formation? This webinar will examine the call narratives of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Mary and seek to understand better how the stories of their call can deepen and enrich our own.
Brad A. Milunski, OFM Conv. is a friar of the Our Lady of the Angels Province of the Franciscan Friars Conventual. Having professed final vows in 1989 and ordained to the ministerial priesthood in 1993, Fr. Brad currently serves in province leadership and as director of post-novitiate formation in Silver Spring, MD. He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
On Thursday, September 13 the RFC hosted a webinar discussion with the editors of and an author in the book, In Our Own Words: Religious Life in a Changing World.
Sarah Kohles, OSF, Juliet Mousseau, RSCJ, & Tracy Kemme, SC
Editors of and an author in the book, In Our Own Words: Religious Life in a Changing World joined the RFC for this webinar conversation.
On September 20 and 21 the RFC participated in the Catholics on Call Partner Conference at Catholic Theological Union. The theme of the Partner Conference and the presentation was entitled, "Authenticity, Vocation & the Risk of Faith: Hopes and Challenges for the Synod On Young People." Fr. Dan Horan, OFM gave an overview of the preparatory materials that have been assembled for the Synod. To access the recorded video of the presentations (part 1 and 2), click:
The resource below explores how young people’s religious longings and belongings shift, expand, and change.
The video recording includes a presentation by Dr. Joshua Packard, Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute.
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 1996 No.3 May-Jun
"It is curious to consider that we priests and religious do not scrutinize our own way of proceeding as well as we do others; moreover, we scrutinize others ways of proceeding from the pulpit and in episcopal letters and we hesitate scrutinizing our own, even within internal proceedings. The silence about the testing issue is disturbing, in the least."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 1996 No.2 Mar-Apr
"We recommend that other congregations involved in reconfiguring governmental units remember the importance of knitting together faith-based relationships at the grassroots level and consider offering membership an opportunity like the Mustard Seed."
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InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 1996 No.2 Mar-Apr
"From six monasteries within the CCA, eight of us gathered for ten days of prayer, quiet reflection, solitude and sharing, hoping to renew our call to religious life--as disciples of Christ. We based our daily schedule on the original Experiment in Hope. The Presentation Sisters' Marie Joseph Spiritual Center in Biddeford Pool, Maine provided the ideal setting with its magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean."
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Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV
I: Role Descriptions and Models for Choosing, Assessing and Valuing Formation Ministers
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Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV
I: Role Descriptions and Models for Choosing, Assessing and Valuing Formation Ministers
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Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV
I: Role Descriptions and Models for Choosing, Assessing and Valuing Formation Ministers
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Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume IV
I: Role Descriptions and Models for Choosing, Assessing and Valuing Formation Ministers
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