
How To Sew Unity In A Time Of Division
To keep your company culture strong in these troubled times, don’t let the things that divide the nation divide your organization.

Sundays at CTU Lecture with Fr. John Kartje
Ecotheology as Echo-theology: Listening for the Word that Reverberates through Creation
From grains to galaxies, “through him all things were made.” Join us for an exploration and celebration of the real presence of Christ’s Paschal Mystery that sounds and resounds throughout humanity and the entire cosmos.
Father John Kartje was appointed rector/president of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary in 2015. A native of East Chicago, Indiana, Father Kartje was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2002. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1987 from the University of Chicago. He also holds two earned doctorates: a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Chicago (1995), and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Catholic University of America’s Department of Biblical Studies (2010).
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How to repair and build communion
Lucy Zientek is a Sister of Divine Providence, Melbourne, Kentucky, and currently serves on the leadership team of her congregation's U.S. province. She has 14 years' experience as a research and development scientist prior to entering religious life. She has served on parish pastoral teams in the areas of adult faith formation, Christian initiation and pastoral ministry. She also presents retreats and days of reflection. Supported by an educational background and career and ministry experience in science, theology and spirituality, her special area of interest is the relationship between science and faith.
To read her Nun talk on "How to repair and build communion" visit her blog here.
InFormation 2018 No. 3 : Book Review, However Long the Night : Making Meaning in a Time of Crisis, by Noreen Neary, SC
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2018 No.3 Fall
"However Long the Night, published by LCWR, is a series of essays by ten sisters and the representatives of a lay group that supports the sisters which examine the six-year investigation and its learnings from diverse perspectives. ... Just as the women religious directly involved in this conflict were discreet and respectful of the Church’s hierarchical authorities, this book is not an unbalanced recitation of wrongs. Rather, it is a series of thoughtful reflections on the experience, on what was learned through the process of honest dialogue in the hopes of a just reconciliation, and how the process can be used by others to resolve conflict."
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Re-Imagining Consecrated Life in a Changing World
In this podcast recorded live at the opening of CTU’s Center for the Study of Consecrated Life, Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS, delivers the lecture “Re-Imagining Consecrated Life in a Changing World.” Filmed on February 12, 2015.

InFormation 2019 No. 1 : A Committed Way of Life, by Jeanne Connolly
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.1 Spring
"I define the associate way of life as 'Women and men who choose to make a public and formal commitment (covenant) to embody the charism and mission of a religious congregation within the Associate’s primary life vocation for the sake of all of God’s creation.' I consciously use the words 'choose', 'formal and public commitment' and 'embody' to describe this way of belonging to a religious community."
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InFormation 2019 No. 3 : Courage of Commitment, by Jeanne Connolly, Wheaton Franciscans
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2019 No.3 Fall
"To make and honor a heart commitment, such as marriage, profession of vows, ordination, or a commitment to the Associate way of life, requires profound love and extraordinary vulnerability. Heart commitments require stepping into the unknown and unforeseeable. It is opening one’s heart to another. It is risking rejection, not having expectations met or dreams come true."
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InFormation 2020 No. 1 : Nuns & Nones : Stories of Spiritual Formation for Today, by Katie Gordon
InFormation Bulletins - InFormation 2020 No.1 Spring
"When we start to realize the shared calls to action, it becomes incredibly powerful to imagine what it might mean to gather forces – across traditions and generations. There are bridges to be built that can transform how we exercise our collective power in response to the greatest issues of our time. And in the process, we too grow in the ways we understand and relate to one another, and to our world. It is evolutionary and revolutionary hand-in-hand; it is rooted in tradition while responding to the signs of the times. It is the intersection of the emerging reality of religious life and spirituality today, and the prophetic stance. It feels like, frankly, exactly the moment we are all here for."
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A Path Towards Communion: Family Charisms in Dialogue
“Communion and the encounter between different charisms and vocations can open up a path of hope. No one contributes to the future in isolation, by his or her efforts alone, but by seeing himself or herself as part of a true communion which is constantly open to encounter, dialogue, attentive listening and mutual assistance. Such a communion inoculates us from the disease of self-absorption”. -Pope Francis
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
With joy and hope, we present to you the path which we would like to take together as Charismatic Families in these three years 2017-2020. It is a path which we have undertaken following the continuous invitation of Pope Francis to live communion not only ad intra in each Charismatic Family, but together as Charismatic Families, in order to be a real prophetic witness today.
We are conscious that it is a slow and demanding path at both the personal and community levels, but not an impossible one. It is a path which involves becoming conscious of opening out from the local community to that of the Order or Institute, from consciousness of the Order, Institute, Society or Association to that of the Charismatic Family and, finally, from the Charismatic Family to communion with all of the charisms in the Church. It is a process which will allow us to broaden our gaze, our heart and, above all, to go out with greater courage beyond the confines of our individual Institute in order to begin to dream together, at the local and global levels, “new spaces and places” where the gospel logic of gift, of fraternity, of welcoming diversity, of mutual respect and love is lived. The Charismatic Family is the place where we can develop and carry forward common projects of formation, of evangelisation, of social engagement in order that charity and charismatic creativity move all of us towards the challenges which are knocking at our doors every day. As Pope Francis says: if we are not united we will not be able to the build the future and be leaven for a society inspired by the Gospel.
International Union of Superiors General (UISG)
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Life-Giving Community: Cultivating Communication, Connection and Compassion
Members and non-members are now able to purchase and access a video recording and presentation files from the Life-Giving Community: Cultivating Communication, Connection and Compassion workshop on Saturday, October 27, 2018 by Kathy Galleher, PhD. Video topics include:
- Rich community life and how to cultivate it
- Group development
- Going deeper, vulnerability and compassion
- Healthy confrontation and conflict
- Reflection and sharing on day

Resource Manual Volume 3, Part 4, Priestly Formation : Chapter 02
Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume III
Part IV: Priestly Formation for Men Religious
- 2. Theory
- 2.1. "Why Is This Topic Significant?" by Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
- 2.2. "What Is Our Understanding of Priesthood?" by Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD
- 2.3. "Values & Emphases" by Steve Bevans, SVD
- 2.4. "The Challenge & Critical Significance in This Area of Formation for the Integration of Academic Theology With Formative Goals" by Ted Keating, SM
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Resource Manual Volume 3, Part 3, Welcoming : Chapters 05-06
Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume III
Part III: Welcoming Communities : Best Practices
- 5-6. Welcoming for Discerning Life Choices & Additional Resources
- 5.1. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Baden, PA
- 5.1.1. Proposal to Leadership
- 5.1.2. Letter to Congregation
- 5.1.3. Response Form for Congregation
- 5.1.4. Visitation House Article
- 5.1.5. Visitation House — Project Director Job Description
- 5.1.6. Visitation House — Application for Residence
- 5.1.7. Visitation House — End of Year Reflection
- 5.1.8. Visitation House — Brochure
- 6. Additional Resources
- 5.1. Sisters of Saint Joseph of Baden, PA
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Resource Manual Volume 3, Part 3, Welcoming : Chapter 04
Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume III
Part III: Welcoming Communities : Best Practices
- 4. Welcoming to Volunteer Experience
- 4.1. Sisters of Saint Francis of Millvale, PA
- 4.1.1. Change a Heart Volunteer Program
- 4.1.2. Clare House of Discernment
- 4.1. Sisters of Saint Francis of Millvale, PA
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