Our Time is Holy: Who Then Shall We Be?
Leadership Conference of Women Religious 2024 Annual Assembly - Orlando, Fl
Leadership Conference of Women Religious 2024 Annual Assembly - Orlando, Fl
Ecotheology as Echo-theology: Listening for the Word that Reverberates through Creation
From grains to galaxies, “through him all things were made.” Join us for an exploration and celebration of the real presence of Christ’s Paschal Mystery that sounds and resounds throughout humanity and the entire cosmos.
Father John Kartje was appointed rector/president of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary in 2015. A native of East Chicago, Indiana, Father Kartje was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2002. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1987 from the University of Chicago. He also holds two earned doctorates: a Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Chicago (1995), and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Catholic University of America’s Department of Biblical Studies (2010).
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Ron Rolheiser blog on "Never Grow Weary" is a reflection on the Second Letter to the Thessalonians on never growing weary of doing what is right.
To view this reflection, please click here
Catholic Theological Union's annual Merton lecture featuring Richard Rohr, OFM. December 2018.
En este tiempo complejo de creciente diversidad, nos enfrentamos continuamente con las posibilidades de encuentro o aislamiento. La tendencia natural de relacionarnos solo con la gente que comparte nuestros valores culturales y creencias religiosas refuerza inconscientemente el aislamiento etnocentrista, un cuarto lleno de espejos. El reto del Papa Francisco de encontrar al “otro” – el que ve, actúa y cree de manera diferente – nos mueve fuera de nuestra zona de confort a una mayor autoconciencia y apertura para ver el mundo desde el punto de vista del otro. Las relaciones intencionales con gente de otras razas y culturas es la única manera de disipar el miedo, retar los estereotipos y cambiar los prejuicios. Este webinar examinará las fases de este recorrido hacia el encuentro y sus implicaciones para la misión en el mundo de hoy, dividido por muros de miedo y desconfianza. Únase a nosotros a compartir la sabiduría de nuestras experiencias, y cómo todos juntos podemos construir puentes para un encuentro respetuoso y unas relaciones culturales.
El Dr. Arturo Chávez es el Presidente de MACC, Mexican American Catholic College en San Antonio, Texas. Desde el año 2007, el Dr. Chávez ha encabezado la organización en la transición de un Centro Cultural hacia un Colegio Católico que ofrece carreras de Licenciatura y Maestría en Ministerio Pastoral. Las carreras bilingües son únicas para atender las necesidades latentes de los latinos para su educación superior, especialmente para las comunidades en servicio de la fe. Antes de MACC, ha sido profesor, ministro de jóvenes, capellán para los encarcelados y un anfitrión en su comunidad. Fundó una organización juvenil sin fines no lucrativos llamada JOVEN y fue clave en establecer otras asociaciones basadas en la fe para abordar las necesidades urgentes de las familias pobres y privadas de sus derechos civiles. Reconocido nacionalmente por sus esfuerzos de combatir el racismo y la pobreza, el Presidente Obama lo apunto a un consejo de la casa blanca sobre asuntos de colaboración con organizaciones religiosas. Catholic Charities USA le reconoció como ´´…un campeón nacional de los pobres´´ con el ´´Keep the Dream Alive Award´´ en el año de 2010 en honor al Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. El Dr. Chávez tiene un Doctorado en Estudios Religiosos y Teológicos de la Universidad de Denver y la Escuela de Teología Iliff, con un enfoque en la relación entre la religión y el cambio social.
As Church, we have put the “waiting” back into Advent through catechetical efforts to counteract a consumer-driven Christmas season. The amount of time that is dedicated to the joyous news of the Incarnation, however, is disproportionately small in comparison to the overwhelming gracious mystery of God-among-us. The unfolding of liturgical time after Epiphany is compacted and we return swiftly to “ordinary time.” This webinar looks to popular religious practices of the season as sources for theologizing resistant hope in troubled times. The wisdom traditioned through these performative texts, often rooted in scripture, and their ways of structuring time and space before and after Christmas, offer opportunities to imagine new ways of being and acting. With eschatological and cosmological implications, these celebrations of life amidst struggle affirm the good news, and respond to the gift of the Incarnation.
Carmen Nanko-Fernandez, Ph.D.
Professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago.
From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life at one of the locations throughout the United States listed below. In these gatherings, we will celebrate our heritage, reflect with expert and engaging presenters and with each other on the implications of our call to mission in the 21st century, and continue our lifelong formation as women and men challenged, in Pope Francis’ words, to fly from the nest to the frontiers, to wake the world.
Richard Gaillardetz, PhD, Joseph Professor of Theology at Boston College;
Presentation title: From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life
Caroljean Willie, SC, PhD, NGO representative at the United Nations for the Sisters of Charity Federation;
Presentation title: Called to Live on the Margins of Possibility
As Christians, we believe the Scriptures are God's living word given to us to sustain our faith in every age of our human history. So once again, in this 21st century, we turn to the Scriptures to find the inspiration, strength and especially the HOPE we need to sustain us in our daily lives, particularly in times of doubt, struggle, and suffering. And in this year dedicated to consecrated life, we look to the scriptures for the hope we need to face the challenges and questions that confront religious life today. Let us together open our minds and hearts to God's voice and presence speaking to us through the lives of the women and men we encounter in the scriptures in order to re- vitalize, nurture and strengthen our hope.
Mary Schneiders, OP, PhD is a Dominican Sister of Hope (Ossining, NY.) For the past 21 years, she has been a fulltime staff member of Berakah Spirituality and Retreat Center in Pittsfield, NH (formerly Berakah Renewal Center) where she teaches courses in Scripture, Theology and Spirituality, and journeys with people in spiritual direction. Prior to that Sr. Mary taught theology and Scripture at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY for 11 years. She offers retreats and workshops at many retreat centers, parishes, and women’s groups throughout the US. Sr. Mary has an MA in Religious Studies from Providence College in Providence, RI, and a PhD in Theology from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.
Conversations at the Well: Crossing-over to Meet the Other and Oneself
Preserving Patrimony on the Journey
(What do we take? What do we leave behind? What if we haven’t time/opportunity to choose?)
This day will consist of prayer, input, reflection time, and sharing … all in the context of an assumption that those who have gathered are on a communal journey in which many borders have been and will be crossed. Who/what constitutes these borders, with what intent, and from what experience is critical to decisions to move forward or to stay back. Input sessions will explore crossing over in congregational life by engaging current realities through the lens of
Definitional borders: how we might understand ourselves as members of a particular religious congregation; Structural/Cultural Borders: how we organize our understanding of ourselves and how we create formal and informal norms for our common life; Theological Borders: the foundations of meaning which support our religious understanding, the religious meaning supporting structures/cultures, the religious grounding for our choices.
September 23-24, 2016; Renton (Seattle), WA.
Helen Marie Burns, RSM
Helen Marie Burns, RSM, has served her religious community, the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, in elected leadership both on the congregational and provincial levels. In 1988, she was elected to the presidency of LCWR for a three year term. Helen Marie’s doctorate is in the History of Religion and Religious Thought; her dissertation studied Active Women Religious in the Iowa Frontier: A Study in Continuity and Disontinuity.
In this study guide, the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns offers key points and quotes from each chapter of Fratelli Tutti, along with reflection questions and the two prayers that Pope Francis includes at the end of the encyclical.
We hope this guide enables individuals and small groups to learn Pope Francis’ teachings and use them to build peace and solidarity in your relationships, community, and world.
Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume III
Part IV: Priestly Formation for Men Religious
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Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume III
Part IV: Priestly Formation for Men Religious
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Formation Resources - Resource Manuals - Volume II
Part I : Curriculum
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